What to Expect

What should you expect at Namaste Bodywork?
Plenty of time to relax and enjoy; no hurried sessions here!

Before Your Massage

We arrive at your location about five to ten minutes ahead of your scheduled massage appointment to allow for a brief intake and consultation prior to treatment where, together, we establish the goal for treatment and customize the session to best suit your needs. Remember, your comfort is of the utmost importance and this is the reason to let the therapist know of any concerns or apprehensions you may have.

After discussing goals for the session, I will leave the room and allow you to disrobe to your level of comfort. The choice of how much to leave on or take off is always up to the client, as is the depth of pressure and choice of techniques.

During Your Massage

Feel free at anytime during the massage to check in with me and to give me an update on how things are feeling. Would you prefer more pressure? Less pressure? Open communication is key to a great bodywork and massage session.

After Your Massage

Finally, once treatment is finished, I will leave the room and leave the client to regroup and redress.

Now is when it is most important to take it easy, not only getting off the table, but also avoiding any strenuous exercise for the remainder of the day.

Most importantly, (especially at altitude) making sure to drink PLENTY of water and taking time to stretch after the massage will only greatly benefit one person . . . you, the client!